I’ve been thinking about a posting dedicated to this mainstream component of our culture for a long time. It turned out much longer than I had anticipated. As a young child (way before cable or DVRs) I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time than watching TV. Even when there was nothing I liked, I’d still rather watch TV than do anything else. Why do so many children have this addiction for something so worthless? This question kept nagging at me so I had to try to figure it out. For somebody relatively new to the world, few things can provide as much effortless information input density as TV. A child’s mind is an avid information sink. Any information is excellent when you have almost none, so even the dullest cartoon is a synaptic feast of new objects, concepts, and interactions; thus the young brain latches on to it. Eventually, however, information density drops, as most of it is no longer new. The increasingly more complex intellect becomes more demanding, and TV loses i...