

This is yet another attempt at a diary. I have made a few short lived attempts in the past, but I guess that was not enough. Inspired by some fellow blogger friends, I will give this another try.

The name of the blog comes from my handle for a game I used to play long ago. The word is a mutation of "strafer"(pronounced stray-fer) , one who strafes. As defined by Webster's dictonary, to strafe: "to rake (as ground troops) with fire at close range and especially with machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft" Or to shoot continuousy at a stationary target while on a relative tangential trajectory. The move I used in the game does not fit exactly the traditional definition because instead of firing perpendicular to the vector of motion from the side of the vehicle, you are moving sideways firing from the front of the vehicle, making continuous adjustmens to keep the crosshairs on the target.

Now, wasn't that worth reading!

Hasta la vista


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