
I have been invaded and am currently under attack by microscopic entities. During the next few days the invaders will steadily infiltrate and subdue my own cells, forcing them to produce more and more copies of the invaders, steadily tipping the balance of the battle in their favor. My own microscopic defense force will target and destroy my own cells in a fruitless effort to stop the enemy. The battle will continue to worsen, and the enemy's victory will seem just a matter of time. Collateral damage will translate into pain and other macroscopic symptoms, worsening over time. While this fearful battle is taking place, however, my own microscopic intelligence agents will gather data on the enemy, perfecting smart weapons as they are tested on the invaders. Eventually, a lethal countermeasure will be found that will effectively neutralize one of the enemies. This smart weapon will soon begin rapid mass production. Released into my bloodstream, they will quickly home in on the enemy, obliterating the attack force. Once again, my immune system will emerge victorious.

If my prediction is inaccurate, however, I shall soon meet my maker. Either way, I win :)


Luna said…
I think that your microscopic army should call its foreign allies.... In other words: are you going to take a cold medicine?
Al said…
Of course, I already did :)

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