Well, a new year has arrived, again. Welcome, 2007!

Looks like this will be a pretty intense one for me. I have a few major resolutions and some specific deadlines...

1. Get in shape -not just excercise and eat right, but be in optimal condition by July 1st.
2. Not get a car before June 1st -and consider finishing another year without one.
3. Fearlessly complete all necessary dentist sessions no later than July 1st.
4. Complete detailed plans for a major 2+ weeks West Coast, Southwest & Mountains road trip.
5. Put in place a new, functional SIC website by spring.
6. Find ways to make my job more fun and dynamic.
7. Redesign, rethink, and reactivate my business by February 1st.
8. Complete at least half of the stages of my special project.
9. Do volunteer work on a regular basis

I actually have 2 or 3 other goals, but they are either too boring or too personal to share with the world.

Well, better get to work now :-)


Luna said…
Wow, looks like there will be a new you on July 1st! I will not miss the event.

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