
Moving to a new place made me realize how incredibly dependant our lives are on all kinds of non-essentials. One kind of soap for the dishwasher, another for hand-washing, another for laundry, another for manual dish-washing, another for hair-washing (called shampoo), another for car-washing; printer-paper, toilet paper, resume-letter paper, paper-towels, lens-cleaning paper, bureaucracy-related paper; usb cables, dvi cables, rgb cables, coaxial cables, ethernet cables, power cables, speaker cables, s-video cables, hdmi cables, rca cables... at times I felt like I was wading through a garbage dump, only I depended on the garbage for my daily existence. Such is the way of the industrial age -without the mass consumption of all these "goods" our civilization as we know it could not sustain itself -and so, I fill box after box with add-ons to accessories to things needed to make other things work, which together with yet other things, while connected to even more things, enable me to perform one simple action -such as making a blog entry.


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