
Us humans have an urge to make things our own; objects, ideas, other people. Knowing, seeing, touching, are not enough: we have to posses. The more we are attracted to something, the more we are driven this way. And if we can't have it, we become restless, distraught; we suffer, even. Why this urge? As a way to incorporate them into our own identity, or as a way to counter the fear of loss, perhaps. As someone once said, the things we own end up owning us -or in the words of Master Yoda: "train yourself, you must, to let go of that which you are afraid of loosing." Giving up on something we want can be harder than straining every muscle in our bodies, and yet it requires no physical energy; why is that drive so strong? If we do let go, however, the benefits become clear -a sense of liberation, of freedom, of lightness. Why then, is it so hard sometimes, to just let go?


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