
The Speed of Dark

Science is more than a collection of theories or dusty books in some academic library, it is a powerful force that can add a new dimension to your life. Once you experience the wonder of it, your view of the world has a new depth of perspective that stretches the mind. Science is a also a way of thinking. I am not a scientist, but no one needs to be one to experience this. You see, coming up with a new scientific idea is the hard part -but understanding that idea once it has been discovered, is something anyone can do. Science has the power to make you rich in a way that money never will, but it's free for the taking. For generations, scientist have been accumulating and perfecting knowledge, refining it, adding to it. Billions are invested in it; like a corporation in which workers and technicians and bureaucrats labor day after day to produce a profit -but you don't have to, you are the shareholder and all you have to do is reap the benefits. Isn't that something?


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