How to drink "mate"

Pour. Sip. Look cool

Mate is a traditional caffeinated tea-like drink from southern South America. Unlike tea or coffee, the filtration process happens while drinking, not before: a special metal straw has a closed end whith tiny holes in it that allows in the infusion but keeps out the herb.
A special "cup" or gourd is filled with "Yerba Mate" once, and then hot water, usually from a thermos, is poured into the gourd. Lastly, the straw goes into the gourd and the infusion sipped via the metal straw.

You can read all about it here.
The habit of drinking Yerba Mate is so common in Uruguay that you can often see young and old drinking it on the streets.


yodasmith said…
Traditionally, I've heard that people in South America sweeten their yerba mate with stevia. I think the only brand that markets it sweetened with stevia is Wisdom of the Ancients.

Do you live in Urugauay, or were you on vacation?
yodasmith said…
I meant to say that the only brand that markets it sweetened with stevia in the U.S. is Wisdom...

I just wanted to clarify.
Al said…
Yodasmith: I live here -for now :)
I am an atypical Uruguayan in that I don't like the stuff, sorry I can't be much help...
Al said…

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