For the last week or so, I have been getting only 4-6 hours of sleep a night. This is not good, even with the added energy of regular workouts, after a few days this routine has the -some say negative- effect of reducing my normal brain power by ninety percent. Luckily, there is an all-curing balsam called Coffee. I'm not talking about the filtered boiled-socks juice that passes for coffee for some people, I'm talking about coffee beans grown in the mountain slopes of Sumatra or Colombia or some place where coffee is supposed to be grown, then cured and roasted to perfection, shipped to your favorite coffee stand to be ground seconds before hot steam condenses as it passes through it, capturing all its flavor and other qualities in the perfect shot of espresso. Three of these, combined with chocolate syrup, steamed milk, water, and whipped cream make up my usual grande mocha with an extra shot. By means of a caffeine and sugar high, it has the effect of restoring -if not the ac...