
Gazing at the sky on a clear night, induces in me a special state of mind -a kind of exhilaration that is hard to describe; a sort of star drunkenness. If I see nothing but sky in my field of view, I feel a kind of vertigo, as if freed from the gravity well. Touched by the light of countless suns -threads of light connecting me to places and times almost too far to imagine: what was/is it like at the other end of those threads of light? I try to imagine one of them. A star system, desolate and majestic -or perhaps, inhabited by a civilization... Are they still around? What tides of history swept them, and what have they learned? Could we communicate -what have they achieved, how do they see the universe, what could we learn from them? What could they learn from us? Is there a twin soul among them looking at the sky, who thinks like I do? When I think about this, looking up into the night, I wonder how many others here have these thoughts. None too many, I suspect.

Perhaps I need not look farther than the mirror, to find an alien mind.


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