
Watching a would-be presidential nominee answer questions on television, I realized that it was virtually impossible for me to take anything he said at face value. Without even realizing it, a part of my mind was thinking about how much of what he said was his position, and how much was calculated or tinted to be picked up favorably by spin doctors, please the public, and offend no one. How he directed every answer into something that may benefit his campaign -begun even before an exploratory commitee was appointed, but not as early at the -probably intentionaly leaked- rumours of his entering the race. And this was one of my favorite candidates. I realized that I do this quite often, even with people I know -after all, even the most honest and trustworthy people have subjective perspectives that bias their perception, and so I compensate accordingly, to get a more accurate picture. Sometimes I feel like I am doing a simultaneous translation for myself; when I find myself doing it, and reflecting upon this action on yet another level, I start to wonder: am I being cynical, wise -or just jaded?
I think, all of the above.


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