
The Five Secrets of a Perfect Relationship

  • It’s important to have a woman who helps at home, who cooks and cleans from time to time, and has a job.
  • It's important to have a woman who is smart and can make you laugh.
  • It's important to have a woman who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you.
  • It’s important to have a woman who likes you and is good in bed.
  • It’s VERY, VERY important that these four women don’t meet each other!

    I found this in an Arabian blog and I thought it was too funny, and quite to the point... sometimes it seems that finding someone with the right attributes is somewhere between unlikely and unreal. But not to worry! There is always something new to learn, a new friendship to be made, an unexpected thrill around the corner...
  • Comments

    Luna said…
    Wise words.. Hard to implement in life, though... Those who are single and content are really rare, in my experience. Especially the girls: we all dream of the Perfect Guy, and seem not to be able to enjoy life as it comes to us. Why is it so hard to savour life as a single person? Maybe it is because we all want what we don't have, and our list of must haves is infinite? Or because singleness is objectively hard? Mah....
    Anonymous said…
    Dear sexist macho guy,

    I'm inclined to say that you can replace the word "woman" with "man" and same would be true, but it wouldn't. We are so much better than you disgusting creatures.


    I personally love being single. I enjoy life more that I'm single, so I don't think being single is inherently hard. It is probably the gap between what you want and what you have. There is no suffering if what you have is what you want.

    I'd like to meet the "Love of My Life" at some point, but I think I'll die happily without meeting him.

    I think.

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