
A few days ago I was thinking about what I like. What is the common denominator of most things I like? The apparently equivocal answer eluded me for quite some time.

I consider myself a simple person. I like simple, elegant solutions. My thought process could be described with the following question: "what is the minimum number of words needed to enunciate a thought accurately?" I dislike ambiguous situations. I favor freeways over city roads, open space over clutter. My behavior in general seems to indicate a preference for directness and simplicity.

However, when it comes to my tastes, I almost always tend to favor complexity. My favorite books have multiple plot lines, many characters in many locations, and multiple perspectives, both personal and historical. I like movies with very unpredictable plots, unique characters, great photography, outstanding and mood enhancing soundtracks, an unusual "angle" to the story, etc. I prefer dishes that combine many flavors -Indian and French cuisines are at the top of my list, (even though I was brought up on meat and potatoes). Modern symphonic and electronic music, with many simultaneous elements, are among my favorites (though I grew up on rock and 80's pop, and I will never stop liking those). There is a device recently introduced to the market that combines the features and functions of 4 or 5 different gadgets -I find it absolutely irresistible. I tend to gravitate to people whose personalities have multiple layers of complexity and I can't figure out after just meeting them a few times.
After a while I saw a pattern emerge; I think it is safe to say that I am a simple person who likes complexity.


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