
For no particular reason, I found myself reflecting about the modern workplace.

From my experience in the IT industry at least, things are very progressive. Micromanagement is discouraged, individual initiative is rewarded, cooperation encouraged, and mobility unrestrained. Employee well-being is seen as a key to high productivity, and so corporations strive to pamper their employees with perks of all sorts. Power structures tend to be horizontal rather than vertical. Horizontal structures make for more dynamic teams, bring the decision-making closer to the stakeholders and ensure subject matter experts' voices are heard. Everybody (personality conflicts aside) working in happy synergy for the common good -and the stock's upward trend. Horizontal (cross-functional) teams can make quick decisions without going all the way up and down the corporate ladder. This is a good thing.

There are of course, drawbacks -PMs know these well; but those belong in another posting.


Anonymous said…
It doesn't sound at all my experience in the IT industry! Wait, is that because I'm a PM? Looking forward to your next posting about the PMs...
Al said…

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