
by Sentimiento Muerto

Mirando sombras en la pared
Gritado por su encierro
Todo es, alguna vez, los ecos
Lagrima que corta el vidrio en dos
Se lleva en ella un mar
De sentimientos; los ecos

Looking at shadows on the wall
From their confinement, shouting
Everything is, sometimes, the echoes
Tear that cuts the glass in two
It carries with it a sea
of feelings; the echoes

Mirada resquebrajada
Hay un vacio frente al espejo
Soy transparente, no me veo,
Soy transparente, no me encuentro

Broken glance
there is a void in front of the mirror
I am transparent, I dont see myself
I am transparent, I do not find myself

Al fondo se ve un murmullo
Que que flota entre vapores de bano
Y notas, que le huyen al sol

In the backround a whisper is seen
Floating among bath steam
And music notes that flee from the sun

Lagrima que corta el vidrio en dos
Latigo rompe el silencio, rompe con el

Tear that cuts the glass in two
Whiplash breaks the silence, brakes away

Mirada resquebrajada
Hay un vacio frente al espejo
Soy transparente, no me veo,
Soy transparente, no me encuentro

Broken glance
there is a void in front of the mirror
I am transparent, I dont see myself
I am transparent, I do not find myself

Al fondo se ve un murmullo
Que que flota entre vapores de bano
Y notas, que le huyen al sol

In the backround a whisper is seen
Floating among bath steam
And music notes that flee from the sun

No me veo, no me encuentro

I do not see myself, I do not find myself


Luna said…
I did not know this song! I like it... lyrics included. Who is the band? Can you tell us something about them? Are they from south america?
Luna said…
ah... I noticed the link to the homepage of the band... it's good that I can read some spanish!
Al said…
Unfortunately the band no longer exists, since it is among my all time favorite South American bands. It was perhaps the top rock band in Venezuela for a number of years... over there rock is considered "alternative" music, since the locals listen mostly to "merengue", "salsa", and other "tropical" music, as it is known in southern South America.

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