
Merry Christmas! For those who celebrate this time of the year, it is a special season. I remember with some nostalgia the holiday atmospehere where I grew up. Because it takes place at the beginning of summer, it is doubly special. The days are long. Most people try to take their time off at this time, and most students are off school. After a long, cloudy, and stormy cold season, winter clothes are no longer necessary. The sun shines most days, beaches fill with sunbathers, and the coastal resort towns come to life. Like walking into Galadriel's forest, you can tell that you have stepped into a different kind of time. There is a happy, relaxed mood in the air. People stay out late into the night, you can see them in the streets and parks enjoying the warm air and clear skies. In a city where most people don't greet strangers, suddenly everyone greets each other with a "Feliz Navidad" (Merry Christmas) and "Feliz Año Nuevo" (Happy New Year).


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