
A few days ago, I saw Peter Jackson's King Kong. The movie was very good, no question about it, though not quite as memorable as I was expecting. But what I found most incredible, were many of the critic's reviews. At least two or three of them talked about the hinting at sexual tension between Kong and the girl. At least one of them went on to "explain" how it was a clear message about interracial sex, society's taboos, etc., etc. Since I admire Peter Jackson's work, I was looking forward to see how he had accomplished this aspect of the movie. I was sure it would be done in a tasteful, subtle, and enlightening way. Therefore, I paid close attention to all interaction between Kong and Naomi Watts. I found absolutely no hint whatsoever of any sort of sexual tension. Nada, zippo, nothing. There was however, a very intense affective relationship, which was masterfully done -and which, at times, found Watts' acting outdone by Kong's -a CGI animated character (but that is a whole other discussion).

Getting back to the original point I wanted to make, I can't help but wonder; what goes on in the minds of these people, -who make a living at accurately conveying the key points of movies- who see sexual innuendo where there is absolutely none? I think Hermann Rorschach may have had something to say about that...


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