My day

I've noticed that most of my posts have to do with ideas or thoughts not, rather than specific events of my life. Possibly a reflection of my personality; perhaps an indication of what my focus is. In any case, I want to make this entry a little different.

Yesterday I realized that I need more socks. Not enough socks translates into having to do laundry too frequently. A great number of "finer" clothes require ironing or dry cleaning, those that can be washed will exchange dyes, thus rendering them inappropriate for use in public. Others will shrink, rendering then unwearable. Others yet cannot be dried in a home drying machine. One would expect that in this day and age, clothing shouldn't be such a hassle. How come we can send robotic probes to other planets, yet have such backwards clothing industry? To be fair, there have been a few advances, such as stain-proof and wrinkle-free fabrics, but there's still much to be desired.

Today it was nice and sunny, since I had the time, I went for a bike ride. I had not ridden a bike in cold weather for a log time, so as a precaution I wore four layers of clothing. It turned out to be total overkill, and I sweated profusely. The bike ride was enjoyable though, and it was good to get familiar with my newly tuned bicycle.

I had conversations with a few recruiters today. Working as a contractor has a good side and a bad side, as is the case with most things; however, lately I seem to be focusing mostly on the bad things. Perhaps it is time for a change.

I accepted an invitation to a meeting I did not want to attend. Why did I do this? I think mostly because of friendship. Indulging someone who I care about was more important than the time I am giving up. Do me a favor, if you're reading this and I ever ask you to meet, I beg you please, don't say yes unless you really want to.


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