
It's snowing slushy snow in Seattle -I can tell because it falls too fast. It melts completely as soon as it touches the ground. It will probably turn to rain soon as the temperature rises a bit. Snow is rare in here, maybe once or twice a winter the snow will make it to the next day, but it rarely lasts that long. I remember the elation felt when, back on the east coast, the first snowfall of the season fell. For some reason the white, slow precipitation brought a unique, good feeling that is hard to describe. The white-clad trees and roof-tops, the eerie silence, the luminous calm; this clear assertion of change by mother nature always brought the feeling of anticipation at the new season. And of course, the smiles. I don't recall a single time when upon announcing the first snowfall of the year, people didn't smile -and knowing that later in the season we'd be complaining about messy traffic and slippery stairs didn't change that fact. I wonder, do we smile because we welcome the winter snow, or because the snow is welcoming us into the season?

Well, it looks as if some of the snow is actually starting to build up... perhaps it will actually last.

Welcome, snow.


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