
Prologue: I have resisted my initial temptation to name this posting "Earth", or "Air". Instead, this is a posting inspired by another, old blog of mine. Since it's been called to my attention that I haven't posted anything for several days, I will make this one extra long to make up for lost time. You'll notice that I did not record my dreams most days... unfortunatey I have no DremerID so I don't know whose dreams I missed ;)


My dreams never make much sense. As a matter of fact, they are usually utterly ludicrous. I envy those people whose dreams are almost like movies, and they actually reflect believable situations. A few years ago I learned that some people have lucid dreams, that is, dreams where one is aware of the dream, and can control what happens in it. I also learned that one can train oneself to do this. Thus, my Lucid Dream Project blog was born. The idea was to record my dreams immediately after waking up, to become aware I had dreamed -most dreams are not stored in long term memory and we completely forget about a few minutes after waking. After doing this for a while, one is supposed to start becoming more aware of the dreams until eventually becoming a proficient lucid dreamer. I did not finish this project, but I did find this forgotten blog recently, so I am copying the dreams I recorded into this post.

The Lucid Dream Project


This is my first attempt at recording my dreams. I went to sleep thinking that I had to remember my dreams. When I woke up, at first I remembered nothing at all. I did not move and kept at it, and then it came to me, with a feeling that I just had had the dream seconds before.

A ship of some sort -It seems this ship is an enemy of sorts- is damaged or destroyed and the crew (made up of dogs?) dies or escapes, except for one. I am on board, and hide one of the dogs because he is my friend. The body count comes short by one, so my dog friend is suspect. Later I am part of a clan/team/family (that is somehow connected to the ship/organization of the previous part of the dream. Team members are my father, Mara Jade (the Star Wars character), and 2 or 3 others. We work together distributing something unknown. We use cars for the job. I see five cars sitting on a lawn. We must be moving to a new location, because one of the team members has a short-range vehicle and I point out that it cannot travel that far, and there is no room to carry it in one of the cars –this remains unresolved.


Didn't write it down right away. Most details are forgotten.
It had to do with some sort of therapy.


Takes place in some generic corporation. They are implementing a new type of computer/operating system. The computer looks like a small console and has no monitor, instead, it generates some sort of hologram when the keys are pressed. I am new (or a candidate) in the company, and my ability at quickly learning this new system gives me extra points with some guy who appears to be in charge of the implementation. For some reason many of the employees find this new ridiculously easy system extremely difficult to grasp and abandon the company (or are not recruited) I find it very easy to master and I know I will land the job. I am also very excited because I know this new system is really advanced and fun to use, even though I donÂ’t really see much of it in the dream.


As usual most of the details are gone. I was in some sort of academy or institution, and I run into some girl. We knew each other from some other place and we strike a conversation. She has nowhere to go, or has to kill some time, and we decide to go to a park or neighborhood with a nice view. We get on a fighter jet (I'm not sure if it belongs to me or the academy) and I fly vertically for an amazingly long time. I seem to have trouble following the vertical line, and later I wonder why I didn't use my instruments. I keep dodging suspended power cables, which is completely odd, and some part of me wonders what are the power cables doing this high up in the sky, not to mention how can there be a place to land -a part of town, no less- several miles high where we can land and watch the view. Nevertheless, I do land in a meadow-like place with a view of the ocean. (I will point out here the obvious fact that we couldn't possibly breath at that altitude, nor see the view from a perspective relatively close to the ground. Nevertheless, everything appears perfectly normal.) We talk about the city and the view. Later, I am looking for a payphone in a building nearby. Some guy helps me find it. I think the girl I was with needed to make a call. She doesn't know how to use it because there is a coin slot and she says that she's never used a phone with a coin slot before. I find this odd. Later I am in a house. At first it appears to be a church.Then it turns out that the house has five stories and 4 girls live in each floor. I know someone in this house, but I am not sure if is the same girl from the first part of the dream, or someone else.


No dreams recorded on this date.


No dreams recorded on this date.


No dreams recorded on this date.


I remembered this dream for a while but I didn't write it down, and now I've forgotten. What I do remember is that I was just a spectator.


I am with some relatives, and we are driving around, sightseeing. I am bored, and when asked if I'd like to continue I say that I'd rather go home. Back at the house, there is some kind of dinner party going on. Later I am in what used to be my bedroom, and I feel nostalgic. One of the walls is covered by a poster which is in part a cityscape, but the center of that poster looks like a scene from SW. I think to myself that I'd never noticed before that it was a collage. I can see through the blinds in the adjacent window, but I don't recall what I see outside. Later I find myself in some empty hallway in a mall/hotel, on some errand, and I run into a girl I am supposed to know but I don't remember from where. I pretend not to see her, and she slips a business card into my pocket as she walks by. Then she seems to change her mind and comes back and says hi. She is an ex girlfriend, but I still can't remember any details about her. I think about trying to talk her into staying in touch; she seems to know my thoughts and she shows me her business card as a manner of explanation. I see she is a therapist. She explains she found a good job back home, and now she can go back, therefore she can't stay here and get involved. She seems to be very happy, but with a slight touch of regret at the same time. She gives me one last look, and I don't say anything. She leaves.

I need to go somewhere. I get to my car. It is the same one I have in real life. I am running late for something but I have to go slow. To save time, I drive the wrong way at some point, and then the police is chasing me. I flee and cross an intersection with a red light, hoping that I won't collide with anyone and the police won't be able to follow. I make it past the intersection, and it appears that I've left the police behind, but there is some sort of event, and there are cops stopping traffic. I think about taking a detour but then I figure these other cops doing crowd control probably don't know I am being chased. I see a couple, they are going to my same destination, so I offer them a ride, thinking that will throw off the cops because they are looking for only one person in the car [in the dream this appears to be an intelligent thing to do.] Then we get to an intersection where the police is stopping traffic, but I feel safe because of my passengers.
There is some interaction with a cop, but I can't remember any details except that the cop is female and is wearing one of those British police hats with a checkered band, except we are supposed to be nowhere near the UK. Then we are on our way.


No dreams recorded on this date.


OK, I have been bad. No dreams recorded in a week.
But, last night, a breakthrough. I woke up and fell asleep again. I have noticed that I often wake up and fall back asleep several times before fully waking up. During these on and off periods, I seem to have many short dreams. I think during these periods, my dreams and lucid states come closer to each other. Not entirely lucid, and not entirely dreaming. Last night -last Sunday morning actually- I remember waking up and thinking that I should become aware of my next dream. And then, during my next dream, I actually became aware that I was dreaming. I remember little about it because I didn't write it down right away. I was in indoors, and there was another person with me. I didn't do anything dramatic like flying, and I didncreateeat a whole new scenario -or if I did I do not remember- and I think I woke up very shortly after that. But I least I know I can do it now. I can't wait to have a real lucid dream... imagine that! I can almost see myself exploring the Jupiter system in my very own spacecraft, maybe making contact with exotlifeformsrms in the oceans of Europa. But that's probably too sophisticated for a first dream. I'll probably pull out my lightsaber and jump into the middle of some fight...


Last night found me exploring what looked like an underground facility. I was part of a military outfit.
I haforgottenten most of the details, but I do remember a lot of interesting things took place.


I was in Africa, on a train. I met this guy who I believe was the engineer. I wanted to talk him into converting Christianity, or Catholicism, but he was not interested. Later, something happened that demanded some work on the train or the railroad, and I volunteered. At the end of the trip he approached me and said he would try Christianity for a year, but at the end that time, if he was not convinced, he would abandon it. This was unexpected, but someone I met on the trip said I shouldn't be surprised, apparently the engineer was impressed by my work during the problem with the railroad, and he felt he owed me fit. On another dream that seemed to be connected to the first, I had arrived at my destination. I am not sure what the destination was. I was in a city that was very old. I was wandering its streets, and I run into someone who I knew, possibly from the train. He told me I was not supposed to be there, and offered to be my guide. The most remarkable thing about the city were its walls, which were incredible high, and the city was built vertically. I didn't realize how high I was until my guide took me to the edge of the city, were I could see outside.


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